Himalayan balsam

Himalayan balsam was introduced to the UK in 1839 as an ornamental garden plant but quickly escaped into the wild.

It prefers damp conditions, so is often found along river banks and in woodland.

What’s the problem?

Himalayan balsam is a major problem in an ecologically sensitive area such as the Eden catchment as it:

  • Overshades and outcompetes smaller, native plants. Over time, native species die, leaving only balsam.
  • Covers a large area so when it dies back in winter it leaves bare, exposed river banks at risk of erosion, and
  • Produces lightweight seeds that are easily carried by wind and water – spreading the problem downstream.

Winning the war against Himalayan balsam

The good news is that it is easy to pull out the plant and kill it before the seeds explode and it can be wiped out by tackling the same area for a few days each summer over a couple of years.

Eden Rivers Trust and our volunteers have been working in the Trout Beck catchment over the last couple of years to tackle Himalayan balsam and reduce its spread downstream.

You can help stop the spread!

We can all do our bit to stop this invader from taking over the Eden. Here’s how:

Get bashing!

Thanks to its shallow roots, Himalayan Balsam is really easy to pull out and then mash up so that it doesn’t re-grow. It’s best done in late Spring and Summer before the seed pods develop. Ideal to do when out for a stroll, even just pulling a few plants will make a difference!

Download our handy guide to balsam bashing safely (see downloads section on the right-hand side of this page) and watch Ali demonstrate the technique below:

Check, clean dry

One of the most common ways that this plant spreads is via unsuspecting humans and animals.

Seeds can be transported via clothing, boots and shoes and your pet’s fur, so check yourselves and your pets when out walking along public footpaths where you can see Himalayan balsam to ensure no seeds are hitching a ride! Clean up and remove any seeds and ensure all cleaned clothing, equipment and pets are dried thoroughly!

Report your sightings via INNS Mapper

Developed by the Yorkshire Invasive Species Forum, INNS Mapper is a free downloadable phone app (and website) that covers the UK. If you see any Himalayan balsam, please log it on the app so that we can use the data to plan our balsam bashing areas/events for the following year.

The app can be downloaded from your app store.

BASH the balsam – for kids!

We’ve produced a colourful book for children that includes a poem, Adventurous Salmon game and lots of information about Himalayan balsam – what it is, where it came from, why it is such a problem and what can be done about it.

Read BASH the Balsam online 

…and St. Bede’s Catholic Primary in Carlisle has made a film about the book!