Eden Stories - Winter Webinars

‘Eden Stories’ are a collection of winter talks, created as part of our Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges partnership led by Eden Rivers Trust with a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

SWIMMING FEATS: Wed 30th October | 3pm

Julia Aglionby and Kirsty Hollings tell the story of View from the River’s epic 80 mile swim from Source to Sea; from Mallerstang to the Solway; the legacy it has left and the ambition sown for bigger challenges ahead to address pollution in the River Eden.

A 40 minute Zoom talk followed by a short Q&A


IRON TEETH: Fri 29th November | 3pm

Joe Clements, assistant conservation manager with Lowther Estates, provides an insight into a ground breaking regenerative land management scheme employing nature’s most talented water engineers!

A 40 minute Zoom talk followed by a short Q&A

It will be a timely talk as the Cumbria Beaver Group – Eden Rivers Trust is a proud partner – announce news that two beaver kits have been born, four years since parents, a pair of Eurasian beavers, Glen and Dragonfly, were introduced.

YouTube Footage>  Facebook Reel>


Image: Beaver (from Bamff Estate) Credit Cain Scrimgeour

Going Underground: Wed 29th January | 3pm

The Eden catchment is a stunning part of the world but… just a very thin veneer. A whistle stop tour of the Eden catchment and a delve into its wealth of internationally recognised geological sites.

A 40 minute Zoom talk followed by a short Q&A


Resilient Landscapes: Wed 26th February | 3pm

Teaming up with PACT we hope to bring you a talk on how effective management can make our landscapes work for us. How they can help us both weather the storms of climate change through water management and retention and carbon sequestration.

A 40 minute Zoom talk followed by a short Q&A

Dates for 2025 being finalised


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