Water Works event: Biodiversity Net Gain, Nutrient Nutrality, Test and Trial

Date: Tues 28 March | 4 - 6 pm or 7- 9 pm | The Hired Lad, Penrith

a group of people looking at a hedge planted behind a barbed wire fence

Biodiversity Net Gain, Nutrient Neutrality, Test and Trial, Natural Capital … meaningless buzzwords 🐝 or a real opportunity for your farm business?
Hear the latest on these evolving topics from our panel of professional agricultural consultants:

  • Kate Russell (Tellus Natural Capital) will introduce Biodiversity Net Gain and Nutrient Neutrality, and what it could mean for your farm business.
  • Andy Dyer (Eden Rivers Trust) will update you with the latest on Defra Test and Trial natural capital mapping project, one year in!
  • Helen Dent (independent consultant) will discuss measuring carbon in hedgerows and how these natural capital assets may help deliver an income stream in the future.

Open to all in the Eden Catchment.

Attend either the 4-6 pm session or the 7-9 pm one. Dinner will be provided from 6 to 7 pm.

Book your place by calling Hilary Clarke on 01768 866788 or email her at [email protected]