Water Safety Training

Date: 9:30am - 5 pm | Monday 9th September 2024 ERT and local river site still tbc.

Places on this course are limited and are therefore most suitable for regular Eden Rivers Trust volunteers, especially those who have been helping us with habitat surveys, species monitoring or other volunteering activity by the river.  Some ERT volunteer opportunities require you to have completed water safety training prior to taking part to comply with the requirements of our insurance.

Book your place in advance:
Email volunteers@edenrt.org or phone Jenni Payne on 01768 866788 and we’ll contact you directly to confirm details. If you’re emailing, please copy and paste the following text (italic) into the body of your email message and provide us with this information so that we can process your request to join the training.

I would like to book a place/places on the following volunteer event:

Date of event:
Name(s) of participant(s):
My contact phone number is:

Do you have any additional needs?

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