River Petteril Discovery Day

Date: Sat 29 June | 11 am - 3 pm | Petteril Bank Community Centre and The River Petteril

girl looking through a kaleidoscope

Go wild by your local river with us at our FREE event for all ages!

You can find us down by the River Petteril and at Petteril Bank Community Centre between 11 am and 3 pm.

Down by the river:   

  • River dipping* – discover a secret world of mini beasts who live in your local river, 
  • Wild Play and ‘messy’ art activities; 
  • ‘Bash the Balsam’ – an easy and satisfying way to help look after your local area by getting rid of an alien invader – Himalayan balsam. 
  • Guided walks by the river** at 11:30 am, 1 pm and 2 pm.   

Drop in to Petteril Bank Community Centre before you head down to the river and:

  • Have a go at our giant Marble Run: River  
  • See displays created by Petteril Bank School;  
  • Tell us what you think about the River Petteril in this part of Carlisle – what do you like about the river and the green space around it? What could be improved? What do you do when you spend time here? 

*If you’d like to have a go at River Dipping (which involves being in the river), wellies are advisable to prevent wet feet and protect them while ‘kick sampling’. We will bring a few pairs of wellies to loan, but cannot guarantee all sizes.  

**Guided walks will last up to 1 hour and the walk will involve steps and uneven ground in places.  

Everyone is welcome, under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

Bring a picnic and stay awhile so you can take part in more than one activity. Toilets will be available at Petteril Bank Community Centre. 

 Why are we holding this event? 

There is a problem down at the river that needs fixing … If you visit regularly, you may have noticed! The river has moved very close to the footpath and the railway embankment in two places, eroding the man-made bank that was installed to protect the railway line above.   

In their flood plains, rivers naturally move and change shape over time; typically after heavy rainfall and storms. Problems can occur in flood plains that have man-made structures within them – in this case the West Coast Mainline railway line. The river has eroded the man-made banks close to the embankment and the footpath underneath it, threatening to de-stabilise the ground and railway. This needs addressing and the problem needs fixing.  

Network Rail, Eden Rivers Trust, and landowners, Cumberland Council are working together to find the most natural solutions that will protect the railway line, improve the health of the river and the valley and enable local people to enjoy using this semi-wild space.  

As part of this work, this is your chance to tell us about what you think about your local river and wild space and what could make it a better place for people and wildlife … and perhaps discover something new about your local river at the same time!

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