Eden Stories: Swimming Feats

Date: Wed 30 October | 3 pm | Online

Julia Aglionby and Kirsty Hollings tell the story of ‘View from the River’s’ epic 80 mile swim from Source to Sea; from Mallerstang to the Solway; the legacy it has left and the ambition sown for bigger challenges ahead to address pollution in the River Eden.

A 40 minute online webinar followed by a short Q&A session

Our Winter Webinars series is part of the Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges partnership led by Eden Rivers Trust with a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

By booking on any of the talks you’ll receive further invitations to attend all four of our ‘Eden Stories’ as well as links to access recordings via catch up if you can’t join us online.

You’ll find more images of the teams epic swim on ‘View From the River’s’ Instagram account

Once you’ve signed up for this talk we will provide you with links to the other talks in the series and recordings for those you can’t attend.



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