Revealing Engine Lonning – Volunteer Day

Date: Wednesday 19th February | Morning session: 10am - 12pm, Afternoon session 12:30pm - 2:30pm | Engine Lonning, Carlisle

We need your help to clear paths and vegetation to improve access and reveal Engine Lonning’s rich history.

We’ll be running two sessions on the day with activities suitable for all ages; families welcome.

  • Morning session: 10 am to 12 pm
  • Afternoon session: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Suitable for: It’s quite a muddy site with some slopes so you’ll need a reasonable level of mobility. Families are more than welcome but we’d suggest a minimum age of 8+ for children attending. Under 18’s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Experience: no experience needed.
Wear/bring: gloves and stout footwear/wellies, old warm work clothes, waterproofs, drinks, lunch & snacks. We’ll provide any extra equipment you need. Wear old clothes, plenty of layers and sturdy footwear. Get in touch if you need to borrow some wellies and bring lunch if you’d like to join both sessions.

For more information: Email Jenni Payne, Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] or call on 01768 866788.

Meet at: open area at bottom of Engine Lonning – What3words ///shark.crib.lace

View/Download the volunteering event poster (pdf)