Eden community tree nursery: Good things come in trees

Part of project: Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges

Thanks to National Lottery Players and Eden District Council, in October 2022 Eden Rivers Trust took control of a plot of land on an allotment in Penrith. The dream? To create a community tree nursery that would open a doorway to conservation; a place accessible to all, where local people, volunteers and community groups could learn about trees and the river and work together; growing and nurturing locally-sourced seeds.

The resulting native saplings will be planted on river conservation sites throughout the Eden catchment; creating food and homes for wildlife; helping manage the flow of water over land and storing carbon.

Follow our progress with Jenni (Volunteer and Community Outreach Coordinator) and the volunteers and community groups who are embarking on this adventure with us.

Read the latest Good things come in trees blog

Or…why not experience the wonderful nursery first hand by coming along to one of our twice weekly work parties to help us grow our saplings.

There’s always lots to do. If you’re up for a spot of painting, planting, building, cleaning, chopping, tidying or digging then we’d love to see you and you’ll be made to feel very welcome!

More information about volunteering and lending a hand at the nursery>

Autumn / Winter 2024 Update

The mix of regular, bespoke and community sessions is working well. Students and staff from Beaumont College are enjoying access to the tree nursery as an accessible venue for their own outdoor learning. Furthering this, Eden Rivers Trust (ERT) is currently helping to design a space for growing and caring for young trees at the College’s own allotment in Carlisle.

Informal plant ID sessions have helped to maintain the energy, interest and learning alongside practical work taking place at the nursery. Collaborative planning has reinforced the role of volunteers in driving and directing developments and activities in what has been a crucial year in establishing the tree nursery.

ERT has been working closely with PACT (Penrith Action for Sustainability) and Cumbria Wildlife Trust, joining forces to promote the growing and use of native trees at community events and at the tree nursery. Partnerships like these help us reach new audiences, establish a focus for more sustainable living in Penrith and allow us all to share resources to achieve the best outcomes.

In pictures…

Creating our wonderful space in 2022

This project is supported by the Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges partnership project led by Eden Rivers Trust with a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks also to the Garfield Weston Foundation and Penrith Town Council for their support during 2024.

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