

Down to Earth

We're launching our new project that looks at what's beneath your feet and provides the tools and support to improve soil health and water quality in the Upper Eden.

UK Compost Week – It’s a rotten job but we love it!

Curious about making your own compost but aren’t sure where to start? March 10th-16th is officially UK Compost Week, so what better time to begin your composting journey!

‘Eden Stories’ – Winter Webinars

Eden Rivers Trust invites you to join us for a fascinating collection of short Winter Webinars. Watch recordings from our winter season including our latest talk 'Unravelling A Complex Ice...

Unravelling A Complex Ice Age Landscape

We are delighted to welcome Professor Paul A. Carling to deliver this week's webinar, unravelling the complexities of a local landscape shaped by glaciation. Thurs 26th Feb 3pm. Follow the...

Engine Lonning’s Hidden History

We were delighted to meet so many people at our Engine Lonning drop in event held in February with many stopping by to share their memories of the engine yard.

River vs Railway Consultation

Eden Rivers Trust, in partnership with Cumberland Council and Network Rail, is inviting users of the River Petteril Valley to attend a drop in consultation event on Mon 24th Feb.

Volunteer Celebration Day

We held a very special event to celebrate the work of our wonderful volunteer team and to say a huge thank you for all the hard graft put in.

Engine Lonning’s Hidden History

Drop in to share your memories of the engine yard at Engine Lonning and find out about a project underway to celebrate its rich industrial history: 13th Feb 2pm-7pm.

A Bumper Crop of Volunteers Lend a Hand

A freezing wind did little to put off our volunteers at the Eden Community Tree Nursery in Penrith this week. The nursery, our community of amazing volunteers and our trees...

Woodland and Hedges Workshop

The Farmer Network and Eden Rivers Trust are hosting a free workshop offering advice on woodland and hedgerows.

Revealing the Past at Engine Lonning, Carlisle

We joined Cumberland Council this week, lending them a helping help to clear vegetation around footpaths steps and hidden historical railway infrastructure.

Adding to Eden’s Hedgerows

We're out adding to our wonderful Eden hedgerows on farmland just outside Brampton.