Make a scrap-motion film and stand up for rivers!

Have you had enough of people throwing litter in your local river?

Do you want plastic pollution to become a thing of the past?

Are you passionate about protecting our planet?

Let's do something about it!

Act for Eden and star in your very own scrap-motion movie!

Our friends at Ragtag Arts have joined forces with us to help you spread the word about how wonderful rivers are … and what will happen if people don’t show them the love and care they need. As with all good films, there can be a happy ending – share your ideas for making our rivers healthier for people and animals and encourage other people to do it as well!

How to make your movie

You’ll use scrap material found in your house and basic craft materials such as scissors, coloured pens, paper and cardboard, as well as an app called Stop Motion Studio.

We have produced a step-by-step video and guides so that you can learn how to make a stop motion movie, create a storyboard and write a script

5 steps to making your scrap-motion movie (click on each title to reveal the step)

In this activity, we are going to create a ‘mini-me’: an animated version of ourselves using scrap materials and stop motion animation. That way we can become a ‘River Champion’ in our ‘Act for Eden’ movie.

  1. Download the Activity 1 template and print it out
  2. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions

  1. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions

In this activity, we’re going to cast the hero and the villains in our movies.

  1. Download the Activity 3 templates and print them out
  2. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions

In this activity, we’re going to create a storyboard for our movies and plan an interview with our characters.

  1. Download the Activity 4 templates and print them out
  2. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions

In this activity, we are going to get filming and shoot our movies. We are going to use the Stop Motion Studio app just like we did in activity #1.

  1. Download the Activity 5 template and print it out
  2. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions

Notes for parents/carers

This is a great activity for the budding filmmaker, storyteller or eco-activist in your family. This activity is particularly suitable for older primary school age upwards, younger children may need some adult help/supervision.

There is also a guide that you can download that outlines all the steps and tells you what is needed for each step of the activity. Download the step-by-step guide.

The Stop Motion Studio app can be downloaded for free for your tablet or smartphone from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
The free version should be adequate for your needs (don’t need to pay for the pro version) Find out more at the Stop Motion Studio website

We’d love to see and share your child’s finished films on our website. If you give permission for us to use them, please upload them onto social media and tag the post/tweet #ActforEden or @edenriverstrust


All of these resources are available for use under a CC-BY-NC Creative Commons licence. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like us to send you the original resources.

Act for Eden

Our rivers need our help! We rely on them for clean water, food, leisure, health and our well-being but they are a precious resource that is under serious threat from us, from the way we live and the everyday things we do.

It’s time to Act for Eden.

Join in our campaign by making a promise to Act for Eden today and make a small (and painless!) change to something you do every day.
As well as making Eden’s rivers cleaner and healthier, it could also be good for your health and save you money!

With 10 promises to choose from such as Take Shorter ShowersDitch the Disposables, Eat Sustainable Seafood, Garden for Eden or even Ditch the Alien Hitchhikers, there’s a promise to suit everyone.

Find out more and make your promise at the Act for Eden website

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