Ploughlands Legacy Award

This Award is presented annually to an individual or a group, whose actions have contributed significantly to the conservation of the rivers and lakes of the River Eden catchment.

In creating this Award, Eden Rivers Trust seeks to reflect upon and recognise the importance of seeking opportunity from adversity, in order to achieve good outcomes for conservation.

This philosophy was ably demonstrated by Eden’s riparian owners, anglers and local river enthusiasts in 1993, who, following a devastating pollution incident at ‘Ploughlands’ on the Eden near Appleby, came together to secure compensation for the river and its wildlife, and then used the funds awarded to establish Eden Rivers Trust as a conservation body representing the whole of the River Eden catchment.

Thanks to the foresight and generosity of spirit of these citizens, the Trust still thrives today. It continues to work to achieve the objectives first developed in the early days; to secure the conservation of the river Eden and the Eden Valley catchment, and to advance the education of the public in the management of water and water habitats.


Criteria for Award and selection of recipient(s)

Anyone can nominate a person/group and the award is open to all ages, whether they are independent or part of an organisation.

To nominate, just send name(s), plus a short paragraph outlining why they qualify for the 2023 award to [email protected]

The Ploughlands Legacy Award is given at the discretion of serving Eden Rivers Trust trustees. Nominations are invited from any individual.  This award cannot be awarded to serving staff members or trustees of Eden Rivers Trust.

Eden Rivers Kingfisher Icon

Congratulations to our previous award winners