Armathwaite Canoe Entry / Egress

Part of project: Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges

Aim: More people can access, enjoy and exit the river easily and safely without harming the River Eden.

Lead partner: Cumbria Canoeists supported by ERT.

Armathwaite is a well-known and well-used exit point for canoeists and swimmers on the Eden. There is currently no formal entry or exit place, so they scramble up the riverbank which is difficult for new/younger canoeists and damaging too – increasing erosion and sedimentation.

With the philosophy of ‘share with care’ for the river and river users, there is the opportunity to make the river more accessible, but to do so in an environmentally friendly way; protecting the site, introducing important river issues (especially invasive species/Check Clean Dry campaign), and raising awareness of how to take care of it. With the creation of a formal entry/exit point, this project will do all three!

Autumn / Winter 2024 Update

Agreements have been reached between Eden Rivers Trust, landowner, land agent and tenant farmer for a 25m buffer strip to be removed and fenced off from the current tenant farmer’s land along the River Eden. This will prevent the tenant farmer’s cattle poaching and eroding the river bank and improve habitat for 1km along the River Eden. Importantly, it will also improve the protection for the rare jelly lichen and support the associated car park.

In pictures…

Thank you

This project is supported by the Access to Eden: breaking barriers, building bridges partnership project led by Eden Rivers Trust with a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Cumbria Wildlife Trust.

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